International Organization of Women Pilots
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President's Colum n April 1, 1958 D ear N inety-N ines: Your E xecu tive B oard will m ee t in m y hom e h ere in Minco, on A pril 20, 21 and 22. T here is m uch business a t hand, and it p rom ises to be a busy session. We a re looking fo rw ard to ge tting together, and to w orking to ge th er for our W onderful O rgan iza tion. We will be p leased to h e a r from any of you, if you have suggestions and questions to p lace on the agenda. P lease send your co rrespondence d ir ectly to m e, so th a t it w ill be rece ived no la te r th an A pril 20. I am su re th a t you will be p leased to know th a t a lread y , the AWTAR C om m ittee have m ailed out 160 k its of a ir rac e in form ation, th is is 45 m ore th an w ere requested by M arch 26 la s t y ea r The TAR C om m ittee have se t th e ir da tes and a re well u nder w ay w ith th e ir rac e plans. The S.M .A.L.L. rac e plans a re in the m aking, and th e re ’s the Sky L ady D erby to o ! T here d e fin a te ly ' is an in c reasin g in te re s t in rac ing , th roughou t the O rg an iza tion. P artic ip a tio n in th ese ra c e s will in c rease proficiency, and do m uch for wom en in Aviation, in genera l. In addition, they a re fun! L et us all b e com e race-m inded th is y e a r and co opera te in every w ay possible, to m ake them all successful. A le tte r received from one of our M em bers a t L arge, ex p resses h e r app recia tion in being accep ted as a m em ber of N inety-N ines. We a re p leased to receive such a le tte r, and in behalf of all N inety-N ines h ere in the U. S., I w ant to W elcome m ost sin cerely, our M em bers a t L arge . We are honored w ith the m em bersh ip of each and every one of you. N inety-N ines a re busy everyw here! But do be sure to a ttend your Sec-
منابع مشابه
Fatigue self-management strategies and reported fatigue in international pilots.
The use of strategies to manage fatigue associated with work was investigated in a sample of 253 pilots operating Air New Zealand regional and international routes. Overall, 13% of pilots responded that they experienced fatigue from their job as a pilot three times a week or more but no differences in overall fatigue levels were found by age, rank or fleet. The use of napping by pilots prior to...
متن کاملPrevalence of and Trends for Dyslipidemia among Pilots from one Airline in China
Introduction: Most of previous studies on dyslipidemia among pilots were cross-sectional surveys which cannot explore the temporal trend of dyslipidemia, and these studies were normally conducted at least five years ago. In addition, studies focusing on pilots in Southwest China are scarce. This study aimed to describe the prevalence of and trends in dyslipidemia among pilots f...
متن کاملIdentifying training deficiencies in military pilots by applying the human factors analysis and classification system.
Without accurate analysis, it is difficult to identify training needs and develop the content of training programs required for preventing aviation accidents. The human factors analysis and classification system (HFACS) is based on Reason's system-wide model of human error. In this study, 523 accidents from the Republic of China Air Force were analyzed in which 1762 human errors were categorize...
متن کاملThe sleep, subjective fatigue, and sustained attention of commercial airline pilots during an international pattern.
International commercial airline pilots may experience heightened fatigue due to irregular sleep schedules, long duty days, night flying, and multiple time zone changes. Importantly, current commercial airline flight and duty time regulations are based on work/rest factors and not sleep/wake factors. Consequently, the primary aim of the current study was to investigate pilots' amount of sleep, ...
متن کاملLine Pilots' Attitudes about and Experience with Flight Deck Automation: Results of an International Survey and Proposed Guidelines
A survey of line pilots' attitudes about flight deck automation was conducted by the Royal Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine (RAF IAM, Farnborough, UK) under the sponsorship of the United Kingdom’s Civil Aviation Authority and in cooperation with IATA (the International Air Transport Association). Survey freehand comments given by pilots operating 13 types of commercial transports across...
متن کاملSymptoms of fatigue and coping strategies in maritime pilotage.
BACKGROUND Little is known regarding the symptoms of fatigue that maritime pilots experience during shift work. Moreover, the strategies these individuals use to cope with the onset of fatigue are also unknown. The current study explored the symptoms of fatigue and coping strategies experienced by maritime pilots when on-shift. MATERIAL AND METHODS Fifty maritime pilots were recruited via an ...
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